Tuesday, June 17, 2014

A new transfer, and a new companion. Perfect situation to set goals! - 6/16/14

16 de Junio 2014

Well, I don't even know where to begin. For lots of reasons. One of them being because I don't have very much time today. But here goes nothing.

So anyways. This last week was filled with lots of exciting things.

On Tuesday I got to have exchanges with Elder Z from my district. We worked for the day in my area. It actually turned out to be a super great day, and we were able to teach lots of lessons without anyone being gone! The best lesson was for sure with E. She is a 50ish year old lady. Her daughter is a member, but she isn't. But we have been teaching her for a couple of weeks and today we invited her to be baptized. And she accepted! She said though that she wants to make sure that she is doing it for herself, and not because anyone is forcing her to do it. Which is correct. That is exactly what she should do!

The next day, we had to get up super early because we had to travel to Castilla to have a visita de trabajo with the zone leaders. So I went to their area and stayed with Elder G, and Elder C and Elder I traveled back to La Unión. To tell you the truth, that was one of the best exchanges that I have ever been able to have on the mission. I honestly learned a ton from Elder G. He's a super cool kid. One thing that I loved about working with him is the way that he teaches. He always teaches in a super basic and easy to understand way. He doesn't go super into depth on the topic and confuse the people with tons of scriptures, but he shares just enough, so that the people understand exactly what we are saying. And then the most important part is that after that you bear testimony of what you have taught. So that way the spirit will bear testimony to the hearts of the people that what we are teaching is true. I really do think that teaching by the spirit is way better than trying to convince people with using "pretty words." That night after it was over, we had to travel back to La Unión. You have to travel by combi, which is like a 15 passenger bus that they cram 30 people into, from Castilla to Catacaos. And then in Catacaos you have to change to another combi to go the rest of the way to La Unión. The only problem was that we were traveling at 8:30 at night and at that hour there really aren't many combis that pass by, and the ones that do, are super full. After waiting for about 40 minutes in the mosquitos, a combi finally passed by that had enough room to get into, but there were no seats, so I was standing up. My companion, being Peruano, is pretty short and could stand up straight in the combi, but I was bent over. After the 25 minutes in that back to La Unión, I had a pretty big cramp in my neck. It was a pretty great day! jaja

My mind is kind of frazzled today, and I can't remember much else that happened this week. Other than the World Cup. That is definitely happening here. And Peru doesn't even have a team competing in the World Cup! They haven't qualified for like 32 years and there are lots who are kind of bitter about that! jaja. But anyways. I can't remember which day it was, I think it was the 12th, but anyways. That day was the first game between Brasil and another country. And every single house in La Unión was watching the game. And when you're walking in the street and someone scores a goal, you hear from every direction--  "¡GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOALLLLLL! It's pretty crazy. It's definitely something I've never experienced before in my life! 

So anyways, Saturday night was the night that they tell us about transfers. So at about 10 pm we called the zone leaders and they told us what was happening. We really weren't thinking that either one of us were going to be getting transferred, because this was only my first transfer here and the second for Elder I. But Saturday night they told us that Elder I is being transferred, and that I'm going to be training this next transfer. Not sure why I have to train again, but there's not really much of a choice. I'm kind of excited though! Training really actually is super cool. And you learn a ton! So anyway, today I'm here in Piura (with 2 other elders that are also going to be training) until Wednesday when our new companions come. I'm super excited! Hopefully my companion will be a super sweet kid! 

I'm super excited for this next transfer. A new transfer, and a new companion. Perfect situation to set goals, if you ask me! I've got lots of goals that I want to work on this transfer. And I figure now is the best time to start on them! I know this next transfer is going to be sweet! 

I know this church is true. I'm so grateful for the opportunity that I have to be here on the mission and to be a representative of Jesus Christ! 

Thanks for everything! Love you all! 

Elder Baker

P.S. -  I can hardly believe that it's the middle of June. Tomorrow I will hit 11 months in the mission! That's almost a year!

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